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South Timok Project - Serbia (BHP)

Location: South Timok, Serbia

Category: JV Optioned Projects

Partner: BHP

Size: 222 sq km

NSR: 2%

Commodity: Copper

Exploration Stage: Target Generation

Upcoming Exploration: Drilling in 2024

Target Areas: Vitanovac, Lipovica, Ponor

Project Overview:

The northern and southern parts of the  Vitanovac license are covered by Paleogene sediments interlayered with Paleogene pyroclastic volcanics and agglomerate, while the central area consists of Upper Cretaceous sediments and volcanics. Hornblende andesite that intrudes the Upper Cretaceous sediments from the central portion of the license area are considered to have the potential for copper-gold mineralization from porphyry and epithermal related systems.

The Lipovica license contains Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary lithologies intruded by late Cretaceous latite intrusions partly overlain by Paleogene sediments. Volcanic ages are similar to those within the Timok Magmatic Complex.

The Ponor license contains Miocene and Cretaceous sedimentary units with potential for intrusive bodies and related mineralisation below the cover sequences

Other projects from JV Optioned Projects

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Central Timok, Serbia


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