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Borsko Project - Serbia (BHP)

Location: Central Timok, Serbia

Category: JV Optioned Projects

Partner: BHP

Size: 35 sq km

NSR: 2%

Commodity: Copper

Exploration Stage: Target Testing – Target 1

Upcoming Exploration: Drill Testing in 2024

Exploration Targets: Target 1

Project Overview:

Vicinity of producing copper mines – The project is directly adjacent to and west of the producing Bor copper porphyry mine and northwest from new operating mine, Cukaru-Peki, a high sulphidation epithermal copper-gold and porphyry copper deposit.

Undercover potential for buried porphyry system –  Intact lithocap ~500 m under volcanics. The system contains elevated copper-gold-arsenic geochemistry indicative of high sulphidation epithermal type mineralization with elevated copper at the base of the lithocap suggesting a porphyry source beyond the immediate drill-tested area.

Geophysical anomalies – Using a combination of Gravity, CSAMT and Magnetic interpretations, the extent of the lithocap(s) is generally  identified.

Drill Targets – The current area of drill testing is Target 1, which is based on geochemistry, alternation analysis and structural interpretation.  Step out from prior drill hole campaigns.

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